Forums - Vega in SSF2T Show all 23 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Vega in SSF2T ( Posted by jonace1 on 05:25:2001 04:26 AM: Vega in SSF2T Yo, can anyone tell me a good effective way to use vega in ST? Im kinda rusty and i wanna see whats good. Thanks Posted by Buktooth88 on 05:25:2001 06:14 AM: Vega? That's easy. Crouching strong. Wait, you do mean American Vega, right? Posted by jchensor on 05:25:2001 06:34 AM: Vega in ST was really nasty. I think Apoc could answer this by far better than me. I'm not the expert in Super Turbo, and I really only know two or three characters in that game, Vega NOT being one of them. But I can say this much: I know the Wall Dive is EXCELLENT in that game. It's the controlability of it. Since you can bounce of the wall and drop practically straight down and be safe from the likes of DPs and Razor Kicks, you can do lots of Off the Wall fakes. And you can stay in Defensive Crouch for the most part, and poke with Crouching Strong, Forward, and Roundhouse (from far). Any time the enemy jumps, they eat an Anti-air Flip Kick. But once you knock the enemy down, you go off the wall. And then you start to play the mind games. What you try to do is to keep them guessing which way to block. You can actually control Vega pretty well in the air. Come down on top of the enemy and pick the left or the right side to come down on. Then do your Claw Swipe. If you can KEEP the enemy guessing wrong (and it's very possible to read the enemy for 5 or 6 times in a row), you can potentially kill someone off after one knock-down! Keep in mind, though, that characters with side-neutral anti-airs won't be bothered by this. Razor Kicks and Zangief's Lariat shouldn't have too much problems with this tactic. But Vega shouldn't be Flying around against Zangief anyhow... Anyhow, that's the best I can offer. I really don't know much about Vega in ST. Hopefully, Apoc will see this thread and be able to offer his expertise. - James Posted by Apoc on 05:25:2001 12:15 PM: yay! hehe jk Vega to me in ST is very character specific. Meaning I'd need a match or I most certainly write a novel like I've been doing the last few days, heheh. But if you give me a match I'll try to break it down for you as best I can. And admittedly I'm too tired to write a lot about general stuff tonight But I'm sure that I could get to it tomorrow But specific match-ups would help me out a lot. I don't believe there is one good all around style for Vega in the game. Not simply strategies but I think the style of playing certain match-ups are clearly different...well, at least in my view. See you tomorrow Apoc. Posted by vega-x on 05:25:2001 03:38 PM: You could always try this: Posted by Truedragon on 05:25:2001 09:01 PM: That's a really good guide Vega-x. Posted by jonace1 on 05:25:2001 11:09 PM: thanks a lot guys, i look forward to using vega in ST at eec6, hopefully ill get far and wont have to fight any zangiefs. Also, that strategy with guessing is really good, but what if i encounter another vega? Posted by chankalok on 05:26:2001 12:49 AM: honda can kill vega EASIlY!!!u suck dunno...... eat my ass Posted by jonace1 on 05:26:2001 02:19 AM: now that i think about it, when i get beat it is by either zang or honda, hmm Posted by vega2001 on 05:26:2001 02:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by jonace1 now that i think about it, when i get beat it is by either zang or honda, hmm Yeah, I always lose to them to when I play as Vega. My best advice would to just play defensively against Zangief and DON'T ALLOW him to get in close. Just play keep away with the Claw Roll, and standing fierce. Don't jump in because there is too much risk for you to be thrown. The only time to make an offensive move is when Zangief does his spinning lariat you should do crouching roundhouse. As for Honda, just use the same basic strategy as Zangief, using standing fierce to knock him out of his hundred hand slap. After Honda does that aerial attack and lands, roundhouse the tubby bastard. Posted by Apoc on 05:26:2001 05:14 AM: Vega vs. Zangief. Talk about making it easy on me That's a REALLY stupid match for Gief. Vega needs 2 moves to win. Cr. Strong and st.rh. Rh has to be hit before gief is at the peak of his jump. So though it is perfect you still need to be fast. Don't try to play this match like a3 Vega. I did that once due to lack of ST play...omg I felt stupid. I'd say this is the easiest match Vega has. No need for the wall dart, no need to use any special move. Though I do use the jab roll in this match a lot once I push myself away a bit...but generally I do a delay roll. I charge naturally while hitting cr. strong and then when I'm at the distance where I know Gief thinks he can jump I walk forward for a split second(still not close enough for st. rh) and generally that's when they jump because they know I'm too far for the st. rh and they know I've lost my charge. Of course they don't realize I have a delay charge planned. And I hit the jab a lil bit after walking making them land on the stab end of the roll. Though this can be countered it VERY rarely is because you never see it coming and gief wants out of the corner so badly and gets tired of trying to trade with high damage pokes and rh specifically. But the main way to win the match is quite simple poking all day with Strong and being quick of reflexes with your st. rh anytime he tries a jump. So simple. Of course general strats still apply here like following whiffs with the low rh. And when I trip gief I like to get close baiting an spd attempt and jump straight up and come down with forward stuffing air defenses like the clothesline and going into cr.forward x's 2, low strong. If this doesn't dizzy gief he still should be afraid of one and I go into throw immediately...if he tries to poke me away he's lost the match anyway by getting combo poked and dazed. And most giefs aren't too good with an spd when they're scared to death heheh. Frustration only, in this match, kills most giefs. No one likes getting owned by 2 moves. Seriously, the match is so lame for Gief. Honda vs. Vega: Ouch. I used to have this match down. Admittedly I've forgotten how to simplify the match. And have no way of really testing stuff. But I remember knowing that while on paper Honda should win, he had no real way to attack Vega outright either. So I know you can simply counter him the whole game and he can never get on top of you. (Wow, I think I'm remembering throughbeing pissed off that I don't at this point). An aggressive Honda will want to use the butt slam to get you to stand up making it easy as pie to make you block the splash so he can tick you to death. This match is very similar to old school because of the throw range differential. Once Honda is ontop of you you've lost all advantage and your whole strategy resorts to separating you. You can't make mistakes just like against Sim on previous games. gotta be fast on reflexes and not make mistakes lol...sounds easy enough:P Jumping straight up, your backflips and your wall darts are your best friends in this match. You have to range him with pokes and becareful of his. Once he gets in range for you to block a strong you're in dangerous territory. Otherwise the whole match he's going to have to rely on trading pokes...and NO Honda does this. Though it probably is the most efficient and safe way to beat Vega. No one generally sees that Vega beats Honda at all. Ppl have seen me beat Honda with the strategy of landing a trip and crossing up all day with the slash but...that's NOT the way to beat him although it can be effective...that's the "I forgot how to play this match and this could possibly make it easy for me" strat. It works to some degree. want to use cr.jabs more than strong here to avoid high damage counter pokes. This keeps him at bay and eventually earns you damage. Once Vega is ahead on damage, patient or not Honda realizes his options have become much more limited due to range and time constraints. He his options air to jump, which is countered in the same way zangiefs is with st. rh. The nice thing about this is that if you are REALLY fast and you wait for honda to leave the ground you can stuff his buttslam on the way up at this range as well...just by waiting for him to leave the ground. However if you have a reflex problem, you just lost the match when he buttslams over the rh. So, if you know that you are naturally slow, you must be extra attentive to the speed in which he leaves the ground. And if he wasn't crouched before he left...just hit the rh, you know he's not buttslamming and I have yet to see a Honda use any form of delayed flashkick motion...perhaps this will change. The buttslam is another option at this range. Jump straight up. As you jump is when you watch which buttslam it is. The roundhouse one will land right into the air choke slam. You will land from the forward one and get a free poke on his recovery, and the short one is a tricky one. I think I would wait when I landed and watch closely. The short one is a nice set up for a headbutt to nail a nice counter on you and effectively change the whole match. Then wait for the headbutt and jump straight up(which gives him no gain whatsoever and you avoid having to know which headbutt he was doing). If there is no headbutt coming immediately then you jump straight back to set your range this point he may headbutt anyway but then you land right into a kkk flip and get a free throw. So he has no real way of following you without you being able to counter(if you've read this far anyway). Now that you are close to the corner and have a super charged you want to give yourself space. Use your pokes to 2in1 into the super(back down charge, cr.poke, down forward, up and back+kick) and hold back for a second while on the wall. This is your safety Honda cannot do anything to come at you without eating a slash or worse, a super. After about a couple split seconds fly across the screen by holding in that direction. If you see Honda jump AT ALL immediately do back=punch halting you trajectory and out-prioritizing anything he does(you should still be higher than anything and even frc gets stuffed from here). If he doesn't jump be prepared to kkk flip when you land if he headbutts the other way(ppp of course for super) using the "maintain" your charge method. Other than that you've reset the match again with Vega well into the lead. Now when you 2in1 the super...if you REALLY respect your opponent don't bother with the super, just use the jab dart to get out of there to reset the match. But the option to kill them is much better but does have more risks. Anytime Vega is hit out of the air spells disaster so DO NOT attempt to play an air game in this match. It's unnecesary and stupid. Now aside from solid strategy you can have fun in this match. Once any character that has charge moves like this gets frustrated(only from max jab range)(this means Honda,Bison,Blanka) do cr.jabs into kkk backflip to bait rh flip kick combos. One you effectively distance yourself these guys WANT to get in on you no matter what. And this feint is so much fun to Blanka is the only least likely to try something whereas Bison will always want to because making Vega block a special is SO necessary to him winning the match. Honda wants to close distance AND this is effective in separating you as well though this does have risks and for me is done in lack of respect and when I want to toy with an opponent. But it IS very good. Though Honda can take advantage of this. And no I actually don't feel like saying how Considering this is the first time in years I actually sat down and thought about this match up deeply. Wow. I think I just practiced! lol Hope this helps Apoc. Posted by Gunter on 05:26:2001 10:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by jchensor But I can say this much: I know the Wall Dive is EXCELLENT in that game. It's the controlability of it. Since you can bounce of the wall and drop practically straight down and be safe from the likes of DPs and Razor Kicks, you can do lots of Off the Wall fakes. - James The exception to this being vs. Old Ken. Even at full screen, and Vega holding all the way BACK during his dive, O.Ken WILL hit the Dive with a Fierce DP. Posted by Gunter on 05:26:2001 10:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gunter The exception to this being vs. Old Ken (possibly New Ken too? Dunno.). Even at full screen, and Vega holding all the way BACK during his dive, O.Ken WILL hit the Dive with a Fierce DP. Posted by Gunter on 05:26:2001 10:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by jchensor But once you knock the enemy down, you go off the wall. And then you start to play the mind games. What you try to do is to keep them guessing which way to block. You can actually control Vega pretty well in the air. Come down on top of the enemy and pick the left or the right side to come down on. Then do your Claw Swipe. If you can KEEP the enemy guessing wrong (and it's very possible to read the enemy for 5 or 6 times in a row), you can potentially kill someone off after one knock-down! Keep in mind, though, that characters with side-neutral anti-airs won't be bothered by this. Razor Kicks and Zangief's Lariat shouldn't have too much problems with this tactic. But Vega shouldn't be Flying around against Zangief anyhow... - James Isn't a Wall Dive, controlled to hit with the very TIP of the claw, lopsided in FAVOR of Vega? While it can be beat, Julien Beasley said that he has seen only one person beat it in his life (when Team USA came to Japan, a Japanese player beat it). Against the majority of players, especially in the US where the only time you can get good competition is during tournament season, I'd say this would be a very good tactic to use... Posted by chankalok on 05:26:2001 01:56 PM: let me[honda master]to tell u how to beat vega with honda.....the beginning of the round u MUST,move to back to the coner,and use your low jab a lot.....this will hit all vega's hands come out,never use torpedo against vega,except he jump or wall drive u while he is in the conrer.....this will prevent vega use wall drive to cross up u!!!fight defense.....chunli and vega are hard fight for honda!!!! but honda master will beat them!!!!! sfz3 sux Posted by Apoc on 05:26:2001 04:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by chankalok let me[honda master]to tell u how to beat vega with honda.....the beginning of the round u MUST,move to back to the coner,and use your low jab a lot.....this will hit all vega's hands come out,never use torpedo against vega,except he jump or wall drive u while he is in the conrer.....this will prevent vega use wall drive to cross up u!!!fight defense.....chunli and vega are hard fight for honda!!!! but honda master will beat them!!!!! sfz3 sux I'm not sure you'd employ this strategy at all. Looking as you wrote it, I feel I could eat that strat up simply. The only thing that makes Honda tough for Vega is his throw and the ouchio(sp?) slam. Which means the buttslam comes into play to take Vega out of any possible charge to counter out of range throws(Vega cannot tech the bear hug) And his strong throw sets up a lot of options for Honda. See, if you employ your strategy 1) You make it easy to charge my super in a matter of seconds allowing me to play a really mean flying game with you. Super has way more priority than a normal wall dive and I wouldn't even bother with this move except to gain distance to charge. Pointless almost otherwise...I tip the scales in my favor. This forces you to move. All because you are in the corner allowing me to 2in1 into a super causing you blockstun allowing me to mess with your jab headbutt or you get grabbed. Butt if you use the jab headbutt I can range it quite easily to nail you at the tip or fall behond to grab the heabutt with a super. And this is just for fun. You sticking out any move invites me to poke you to death. You seriously think you can outpoke Vega on mere priority? No way. You have to randomly hit the button before I do everytime. JUST before me. Chances are you will hit a button simply because of Vega's ground speed. See I can walk in and out of you throw range almost at will...vega's that fast...I simply cause a whiff throw...and IF you don't you will get tossed. Even if you're smart enough to charge the 360. Guaranteed you would kill this strategy in less than 10 game seconds and start to try something else. Honda wins...but if ppl believed you; you just lost them their tourney match. So I have to respond this way out fairness. This gets Honda raped impo. Apoc. Posted by chankalok on 05:26:2001 10:40 PM: let,honda teacher tell u that vega,can't even touch honda with EVERYTHING if honda just "defense stay in the back coner" and just using the low jab...... i should say that honda biggest adventage in this match up,is his low jab,[which will hit any limbs vega stick out],and the life-eating HHS! never go out from the corner is wht i repeatly said!if u go out,it is vega cross-up wall drive game....... IMHO,vega is tough but,vega is not honda hardest fight,chun is the hardest for honda and vega[she can jumping short all day long!] i also underestimate honda before i masterd him,i remember i lose to almost TEN times to someone who use honda vs my guile in arcade.....this is unbelivible!!!!but,now,i change to use honda in st!!!!! Posted by Apoc on 05:27:2001 06:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by chankalok let,honda teacher tell u that vega,can't even touch honda with EVERYTHING if honda just "defense stay in the back coner" and just using the low jab...... i should say that honda biggest adventage in this match up,is his low jab,[which will hit any limbs vega stick out],and the life-eating HHS! never go out from the corner is wht i repeatly said!if u go out,it is vega cross-up wall drive game....... IMHO,vega is tough but,vega is not honda hardest fight,chun is the hardest for honda and vega[she can jumping short all day long!] i also underestimate honda before i masterd him,i remember i lose to almost TEN times to someone who use honda vs my guile in arcade.....this is unbelivible!!!!but,now,i change to use honda in st!!!!! Guile losing to Honda unbeatable? Huh? That's common. Honda is a good counter to Guile. Guess you never knew? Anywho. Please by all means stick your jab out like that. Hope to see you at b5. Thought my explanation of your flawed strategy would be enough. It may help you against the Vega's you've faced. Sadly, your reply was nothing more than "I'm right, I tell you!". I don't underestimate Honda. In fact he is my problem match most recently. Though I doubt it will be by b5. I just never play the match...heheh or the game. Sure it stops the flying around somewhat...but that would be totally unnecessary as I'd get out-footsied. But most don't understand the concepts in footsies so I can see how you're delusional. If I lose to Honda it most certainly would not be yours. So...see you at b5? Oh bad. I get it now. You're one of those that is gonna "act" like they know what they're talking about but never go to a tourney, I'm sure. Bummer. Either way...let someone else speak for Honda...your posts say nothing. You don't even realize that you don't need to be in the corner to stop Vega's wall dive tactics. You are no Honda master. Let one post need to learn not talk. And I'm more than happy to prove it to you if you were coming to b5. But most that talk like they have a lot of knowledge but say nothing never do. Seriously, you have little clue I think. Don't mess ppl up...let a real Honda master discuss this. No offense intended. Apoc. Posted by chankalok on 05:28:2001 01:48 AM: i am not honda master????i dunno honda is ok against guile???if u think's ok because u are honda newbie and u dun understand my stretegy! btw,i will not goto b5 as i am hk people....the real honda master in ssf2t u are of cheap skills like HHS and the orchio tick....u should learn honda before u manege to beat him!!!! no more talk to u !!!u are newbie!!! Posted by Dasrik on 05:28:2001 02:00 AM: Hong Kong is garbage in all fighting games. Nuff said Posted by el_diablo on 05:28:2001 05:12 AM: i just would like to know strats for a Vega - Dee Jay match if possible... and for a Vega - Fei Long. Posted by Apoc on 05:28:2001 09:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by chankalok i am not honda master????i dunno honda is ok against guile???if u think's ok because u are honda newbie and u dun understand my stretegy! btw,i will not goto b5 as i am hk people....the real honda master in ssf2t u are of cheap skills like HHS and the orchio tick....u should learn honda before u manege to beat him!!!! no more talk to u !!!u are newbie!!! Good try. I'm OG you are unproven and no, you are not a Honda master. You're strategy is one dimensional and sucks. You coulda made this fun by posting a real strategy...this is lame now:T Bummer Apoc. Posted by chankalok on 05:29:2001 02:13 AM: the strategy i mentioned against vega is only used against vega!!!it is the only plan to win vega!!!u are not master of vega so u fuck dunno!!!!!apoc u are useless child!!!!! hehe u can't win gm!!! All times are GMT. The time now is 01:34 AM. 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